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Casa Imaz Ascensores improves with OfficeTrack

Casa Imaz Ascensores is an Argentinean company with more than 58 years of experience in the market.
It is dedicated to the Elevators installation, maintenance, modernization, and vertical transportation equipment.

Business challenge
Casa Imaz complete reports on paper forms and sent by WhatsApp messaging the photos taken of each task, so later the Backoffice could attach them manually in a file.
It was necessary to wait for the technicians to bring the forms to the office in order to verify the information and complete the report. The quantity of photos needed to be taken on each visit made the administrative task very complicated and often had omissions and errors. The report was sent to the client with a long delay.
Casa Imaz needed a solution to enhance their operation, optimize the reporting process and improve the documentation delivery time to their clients. It was also necessary to minimize human error and have complete information at the end of each activity, to not have to go back to the site and complete the data or take the photos missed in the report.

Why OfficeTrack?
Casa Imaz uses OfficeTrack to cover maintenance and inspection services.
All monthly tasks are uploaded to OfficeTrack.
The progress of the tasks performed is monitored.
Employees must send the report from the same place where the task is performed, avoiding delays.

Benefits obtained with the OfficeTrack solution
Elimination of paper and human error.
Improved internal communication.
Increased information security.
Faster delivery of reports to end customers.
Reduced Backoffice operational workload, saving time and costs.

“With OfficeTrack, I no longer use paper and it is easier to send the digitized reports to the administrations.”
Arnelly Lucena, Maintenance Supervisor at Casa Imaz

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