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Grupo Cobra, created in 1944, has evolved to become a global benchmark with the capacity and determination to develop, create and operate industrial infrastructures that require a high level of service, based on excellence in integration, technological innovation and financial strength. Currently present in 50 countries and with more than 21,000 employees, Grupo Cobra focuses on providing value to all its customers in each operation.
Cobra has a project for its client ETB, Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá, where it is essential for it to have accurate information on the technicians in the field.
Business challenge:
Before Cobra worked with Officetrack, the way of communicating with field personnel was decentralized. It was managed through applications such as Whatsapp and/or phone calls. In this way, the company had little or minimal accuracy of its employees, therefore, it was difficult to trace the information regarding field activities and even their location. Since there was no centralization of the entire process at the information level, all its operational work was manual. The person in charge of operations had great difficulty in supervising the technicians; he could not know if they were actually at the site assigned to them, which generated doubts, problems and delays in the operation. This also hindered the issue of indicators, for example: the productivity generated by his team and obtaining reports of the work completed during the day.
The biggest challenges they faced on a daily basis were:
Lack of location information for technicians.
Poor communication with the workforce.
Reports of work completed could have errors or omissions.
Failures in the administration of the activities.
Poor service to their end customer.
Centralize all activities on a single site and platform.
Effectively assign daily tasks to technicians.
Improve operability to reduce costs in the work performed and in Cobra’s operation.
Officetrack workforce management solution
Currently, maintenance activities are assigned to your field employees to be completed in the OfficeTrack App. The employees will complete and send a digital form of the completed work to Cobra.
With this procedure the company has a way to visualize the daily operation, being able to keep track of the tasks in execution, completed or pending, and know to whom they were assigned. They also have a complete view of the location of their employees in real time.
Business impact:
Through Officetrack:
They have been able to decrease to date, operational costs by 20%.
They have eliminated errors in communication between supervisor and technicians by 100%.
They know the exact location of the technicians at all times.
Activities were organized efficiently by 100%, with no loss of information.

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