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Correo Argentino implements OfficeTrack for National Elections 2019
OfficeTrack collaborates with Correo Argentino bringing traceability to logistics in the November 2019 National Elections.

The Argentine Official Mail Company Correo Oficial de la República Argentina Sociedad Anónima (CORASA), known as “Correo Argentino”, is the state-owned company in charge of the postal service in Argentina. The company was created in 1972.

For more than 3 years, CORASA has been using the OfficeTrack application in its regular operations of collection and delivery of letters, parcels, envelopes, merchandise, etc.

In the presidential elections in Argentina on November 28, 2019, CORASA used, for the first time and with great success, the OfficeTrack Application during the National Elections process. In conjunction with the DINE (National Electoral Directorate), detailed administrative processes were established to manage the logistics of the ballot boxes, technology kits, and other materials needed to vote, which converged from the polling stations to the schools and voting centers, leaving them available before 8 AM, and then, after the closing of the electoral process from 18:00, to make the withdrawal of the same in order to make the final vote count.

This project involved a process with the collection and distribution of more than 1,000,000 ballot boxes, which were distributed to more than 15,000 schools and voting centers throughout the country.

It also involved making 8,000 telephone systems available, tracking the entire process, and indicating to each user where to go and what task to perform. The traceability carried out by OfficeTrack was constant, allowing the process to be monitored in a precise and orderly manner.


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