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At OfficeTrack we continue focusing on provide a continuously improving service to our customers; innovating, accelerating processes and seeking to offer an increasingly comprehensive and functional support, increasing productivity and efficiency in the activities for each customers.

As you may have already noticed, we have refreshed our corporate image, both on the website and in our app.
Now it is time to offer you a totally innovative Support Web page: OfficeTrack Help Center.

When a company chooses OfficeTrack solution, an initial setup is performed, our Support Team performs the initial settings and trainings in which key company users are instructed, to manage all the functionalities acquired.

Inside OfficeTrack platform, you can find the Help Menu to our Help Center web page.

What is the OfficeTrack Help Center?
It is a Support page designed specifically for our clients. You can ask questions 24/7 in a very simple and self-manageable way. You will be able to navigate and find answers to every question arises, while using our software, without the need to call to a consultant. In this space, you will be able to discover guides, tutorials and downloadable materials with the necessary information will answer all kinds of queries.
It should be noted, in addition, our Support Team will always be available to solve any inconvenience, doubt or query.

It is also important to remember OfficeTrack, within the innovations presented in 2022, incorporated the Ticketing system module, also available for a Demo in our platform. This ticket system (service desk) offers the possibility to open “tickets” and report cases in a simple way and update each one progress, from its generation to its final resolution.

We continue to add great improvements to best support all our customers with pride!

OfficeTrack, your trusted partner for an innovated and saving solution.

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