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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA


OfficeTrack offers solutions for companies that operate with security personnel in the field.

The field forces of these organizations are located in multiple locations. Security personnel begins and end their shifts on-site, outside of the office. Throughout their shift, security personnel may have to move from one location to another.

HQ managers and dispatchers need to verify that their security staff is present at the required locations, from the start, duration, and end of the shift. Managers must monitor and control all processes to ensure that their security tasks are performed in the most effective and efficient manner.

You will be able to view the locations of security personnel on a map in relation to their designated locations and pre-defined points of interest (POIs), such as client sites and personal residences, as well as geographic zones, such as assigned work areas.

...It is a fundamental tool for managers and supervisors to be able to control the vehicle fleet...

You will also be able to view all attendance reports of security personnel, including their location at the time of the report.

Receive alerts (via email, SMS, dashboard, etc.) for pre-defined events, such as security personnel leaving or entering a specific POI or area.

You can obtain management reports and graphs on attendance, locations, schedules, and shift duration.

Keep a record of locations for the last three months.
Shift start and end times.

Report attendance at the start and end of shift, also report the location of security personnel from designated locations throughout their shift.

Through OfficeTrack security companies have a management tool to measure the efficiency of their security personnel. You can improve the accuracy, relevance and availability of information.

Employees will be able to report the start and end of their shift. The App will be able to report the location throughout their shift. You will also be able to obtain exportable reports in various formats with relevant information.

Activity traceability
Resource savings
Customer Satisfaction

Receive alerts (via email, SMS, dashboard and more) in relation to pre-defined cases, such as security personnel leaving or entering a particular POI or area.

of your employees

View all security personnel locations in real time from the Dashboard (on PC and mobile devices). You will be able to keep the historical record of locations for the last three months.

FSM software for managing workforce in the field

Replacing paper-based work with online work reduces human error and saves considerable overheads and human resources.

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