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Success story Video Chat
Entel Perú

Entel Peru was able to improve efficiency in its scheduled and spontaneous maintenance audits, thanks to OfficeTrack’s VideoChat module implementation

Before this module implementation, field technicians performed preventive maintenance on generator batteries and left a record through photos and text on messaging platforms such as Whatsapp. However, these were not recorded and did not provide enough information to verify the work performed in the audit.

With the implementation of OfficeTrack’s VideoChat module, supervisors at the operations base can verify the work performed by the technicians in real time, and the video with the battery data is recorded with date and time on Entel’s server. This allows the company to have all the detailed information with the interaction between the backend and the field technician, which is key for Entel’s operation.

Thanks to this module, Entel was able to improve its efficiency in the maintenance of its generator sets, ensuring the supervision work was carried out and leaving a batteries status recorded in each predictive maintenance task performed, with as much information as possible. In addition, OfficeTrack’s VideoChat module implementation, allowed technicians and supervisors to communicate more efficiently and effectively, improving the work quality and reducing response times in case of any problem.

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