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Colombia Oinsat success story

oinsat esp caso de exito

Oinsat is a company with a differential business proposal in the Air Conditioning industry, since
it integrated specialized electrical, hydraulic and locative services in the Design, Supply,
Installation and Maintenance of Air Conditioning Systems business line, in the year 2009,
whose initial acronym was OINSA, a few years later it changed its commercial acronym to
OINSAT. Throughout its years, the Company has been permanently innovating its Business
Model, based on four value generators: Opportunity, Efficiency, Quality and Service.


Oinsat did not have the control of its technicians, it did not have an inspection in the field
operation that measured the productivity and daily management of its technicians, in the
same way the daily control of their work was carried out manually on paper forms, where they
captured the information of their daily management, information that was later archived and
the amount of activities carried out in a period of time could not be measured quickly.


OfficeTrack allows the administrator to transport information through the cell phone,
managing to capture accurate information, optimizing each and every one of the company's
operating processes, improving the productivity and effectiveness of the technical area,
allowing work plans to be developed easily and consequently what will allow make decisions at
the right time according to the employee's activity. Also giving a more timely response to the
end customer thereby achieving satisfaction on the part of this.


The assignment of tasks is carried out according to the location of the technicians where the
status of these can be evidenced and a response in real time can be given. The existing forms
for the capture of information managed by each of the technicians were digitized, in turn the
final design of the reports was made for their internal digital storage. Likewise, with the
administration of the platform, the time worked by each technician is measured, synchronizing
the reports in the field with the internal administrative systems, measuring the efficiency of
the work and allowing immediate actions to be taken.

Would you like to know how our services can help your company? Contact us!

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