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Digital transformation

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Digital transformation is a process that began at the end of the 20th century and continues to advance. With the objective of continuing to improve all the strategic points of the organizations to provide a better service to both their clients and employees, collaborators and owners.

In the area of ​​fieldwork, this is where digital transformation offers outstanding help so that each company can monitor and manage its own staff in a good way.

There are many points where the integration of technology into operations helps companies. We can highlight that it collaborates with the care of the environment, saving paper, ink, administrative, and storage expenses.
Increase the productivity of work teams

Not only is paper one of the aids that digital transformation provides, but it also helps to make jobs take less time. What we mean by this, for example, is that when it comes to completing a job, it is as simple as sending a photo to your manager and confirming the task as done. If the digital transformation did not exist, the field staff would have to complete the task on a sheet, to later bring it to their superior and he himself would continue with the process. That is an example of the speed that new technology brings. In addition, it is easier to save the data in an electronic system, than to do it physically on paper.

All of this also helps to minimize human error, as it’s easier to complete and errors don’t show up as much as on paper. When looking for things, it also makes it easier for you to do it digitally than physically.

Another thing that is added to the digital transformation is the forms. This is not only the replacement of a paper form where we fill out the form physically, but also automation can be added, guide the employee to remove the responsibility of decision making, and much more.

We must be aware that technology is here to stay, that it is growing by leaps and bounds, and is a tool that makes certain things very easy for us. You just have to learn to use it and squeeze the most juice possible so that each of us leaves something positive.

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