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Honor & Laurel Success Case

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The Honor & Laurel Group was founded in Ireland in the 1980s as a solution to the terrorist threat against the Irish merchant community. In 1991 the company was invited to Colombia by a prestigious multinational oil company, to participate in the design of its security scheme. The Group has evolved and increased its presence in Colombia over 23 years of operations in rural and urban environments. In 2009, the electronic and technology security line is integrated into the group. Today, the Honor & Laurel Group continues to grow and expand its operations, with more than 2800 security professionals, and lasting relationships with our clients.


Honor & Laurel carried out its process of assigning activities or tours to supervisors manually by telephone according to the need of the final client, who daily was responsible for reporting the events or according to the request of the Operations Management as well as not It had a system that efficiently controlled the location of its supervisors. When operating in several cities, each of the supervisors had to monitor by telephone where the subordinates at their command were in working in this way it was common that there were inconsistencies in the reports and little precision in daily control.


OfficeTrack is a complete and flexible solution for field workforce management, offering online monitoring with real-time updates, managing and optimizing daily resource processes and improving the experience as it provides real-time information. Officetrack provides extensive online information such as location, alerts, progress of an activity among others, providing 360 ° operational visibility.


Two solutions are created, the first is to implement the module of points of interest where all the clients and offices affiliated with the company were registered, including the basic data and exact location. Thanks to this data and as a second solution the module is implemented of assistance where daily checks of all supervisors are generated by informing the start of the work day and the route that is carried out until the end of the day. In addition the use of dynamic forms for the control of rounds, inventory control, report of news among others; Thus allowing the complete digitalization of the formats, veracity in the information and improvement in the opportunity of this, which allows them to make timely decisions.


Honor & Laurel currently efficiently controls its rounds control processes through the application and preparation of reports when delivering jobs, this in order to offer a better service and experience to its client, This allows a better planning of the activities, minimizing the time and routes of the supervisors, ensuring that the Operations Management has greater control over the activities.


“Officetrack improved Honor & Laurel operation to be more efficient and accurate, all information are dynamic allowing fully customer attendance and location visibility. 

Yenny Espitia, Operations Assistant, Honor & Laurel

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