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Cold Master chooses OfficeTrack to improve efficiency of technical visits

Coldmaster S.A. is a company focused on industrial refrigeration. They are characterized by providing a quality service, focused on the good attention of both technical and administrative services. They have more than 170 stores nationwide, with the company Walmart Chile, 20 with SMU, among others.


The search for OfficeTrack’s services was considered necessary to document the technical visits to the stores. Their objective was to be constantly involved with the current state of the equipment of the companies to which they provide services.


With OfficeTrack, two types of formats were implemented for the visits. Firstly, separating inspections by part of works: in process, executed and finished, formal deliveries of works. On the other hand, in the form of monthly maintenance: they make random visits to observe the work behavior of the technical staff.


The results have been favorable, attacking issues and reflecting them formally in technical reports. This way, they are permanently recorded, maintaining a history of behavior and visualizing that the processes to be corrected are effectively resolved.


OfficeTrack is recommended to provide its services to companies in different areas, focused on services, personnel management, among others. We consider them a key element to keep control of the services we provide. They provide support with formal and agile documents, making it very simple to create reports to document employer actions, and thus support your work path at all times.

Edwards Valera, ColdMaster Coordinator

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