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Liteyca Colombia, a Spanish company that has partnered with Telefónica Movistar, is dedicated to the maintenance and construction of internal and external telephone networks.

Business challenge
Until recently, Liteyca did not have an efficient system to track the work of its technicians in the field. They lacked an adequate control of the activities performed by the crews, which made it difficult to evaluate the individual and collective performance of the work teams. The company had global goals, but they could not identify the individual performance of each technician or keep accurate track of their activities.

OfficeTrack Solution
It was then that Liteyca decided to implement OfficeTrack, a technological solution that allowed them to significantly improve their operational management. With OfficeTrack, technicians can now document and report their activities immediately and online, eliminating the need to fill out paper forms and take them to the central office. This streamlined the process and allowed for real-time tracking of the tasks performed by each crew.

The implementation of OfficeTrack also gave Liteyca greater control over its field personnel. Thanks to the use of GPS, the company can verify the location and activity of the technicians at all times, which facilitates the monitoring of their work and the fulfillment of established goals. In addition, the technicians feel more empowered knowing that their work is being supervised fairly and objectively, which has improved their commitment and productivity.

The change has not only benefited Liteyca’s operation, but also its technicians and work teams. Previously, field personnel were unclear about how long they had been performing an activity and how that impacted overall performance. Now, with OfficeTrack, each technician can know his or her individual progress and contribution to the team. This has motivated employees to strive to exceed their goals and earn additional incentives.

In economic terms, Liteyca has experienced significant savings in time and resources. The automation and online tracking of activities has greatly reduced the need for manual tasks, such as information gathering and documentation. This has optimized operational efficiency and ultimately generated substantial financial savings for the company.

In addition, Liteyca has explored other modules and functions that OfficeTrack offers, such as the control of contractors and other aspects of its operation. The company has in its future plans to continue working on the implementation of new functionalities and to further improve its management with the support of OfficeTrack.

In conclusion, Liteyca’s collaboration with OfficeTrack has resulted in a remarkable success story. Thanks to this technological tool, the company has achieved greater operational control, optimized the performance of its technicians, and obtained significant savings in time and resources. OfficeTrack has become a strategic ally for Liteyca, providing an integral and effective solution for the management of its field activities.

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